3 Recent Changes To the Carpet Installation Industry


Carpeting as a home design choice is as popular as ever, but when it comes to today’s carpet installation, there are several new trends that homeowners seem to be embracing. If you want to have your home’s carpeting replaced, learning a few facts about new directions for its installation may help you feel more confident about choosing a method and the appearance of your carpet once the process is complete.

1. Environmentally-Friendly Carpeting Tiles

Many homeowners are turning to carpet installation methods that do not harm the environment. Older methods of installation used glues and materials that take years to break down naturally, making them a poor choice for individuals who want to protect the environment. Some of today’s carpeting includes squares with the adhesive built in, which makes for simpler and greener installation.

2. An Increase in Fiber Types 

Choosing a fiber type for your home’s carpeting can have an impact on how simple it is to clean and how long it will last. Wool and nylon remain popular choices, while some synthetics are not used as often due to the finished appearance of the carpeting. If you want a plush, rich fiber for a softer style, these make for an attractive selection though they may be harder to clean once they are installed.

3. Fiber Blends 

Some homeowners are choosing fiber blends for their carpet installation, and doing so may provide you with a tougher, longer-lasting carpet, especially in areas of your home with heavy foot traffic. Synthetic fibers blended with natural materials, such as wool, can provide you with carpeting that you may have to clean and replace less often.

The kind of carpeting you choose for your home can affect its appearance and overall value, as well as maintenance costs. You may want to consider the pros and cons of each before you move ahead with the assistance of your carpet installation team.